- Can weigh up to 1350 kg
- Feeds on shrimp and plankton
- Up to 7 meters
- Has teeth
- Eat coral
- May grow up to 1.2m
- Finds its way by smell
- Changes color 3 times in its life
- Up to 1.30 meters
- Can live in very deep waters
- Can lay 300,000,000 eggs
- May grow up to 2.7m and 2300kg
- Has a light in front of his mouth
- Fins in the shape of legs
- Over 46 known species of frogfish
- Live in harmony with anemones that are deadly to other fish
- Change of gender during their life
- The female is dominant
- Can become aggressive
- Feeds on sea urchin
- Over 40 known species of Triggerfish
- Lay eggs on a nest
- Can bite you
- Over 80 known species of Surgeonfish
- One of the most colorful fish
- From 6 to 8 centimeters
- Also called "Dragonfish"
- Its sting is highly toxic
- Up to 40cm long
- It is a migratory fish